"Innovations in treatment and management of drug-resistant TB"  

5 working days (November 29-30 and December 6-8, 2021)


Innovations in the treatment and management of drug-resistant tuberculosis course.


Innovations in the treatment and management of drug-resistant tuberculosis courses.


ONLINE COURSE: Innovations in treatment and management of drug-resistant TB

This online course is designed to build the capacity of TB specialists in TB clinical management. Participants of this course will learn about the updates from the WHO consolidated guidelines and recommendations, as well as the recent advances, innovations, and digital solutions in the clinical and programmatic management of drug-resistant TB. 


  • Series of online lectures, interactive discussions, case studies, live demonstrations, group work sessions, participant’s presentations,  sharing opinions and experiences of participants;
  • Virtual site visits to TB facilities of the TB and Lung Diseases Center of Riga East University Hospital (virtual insights of the National TB Reference Laboratory and TB outpatient department, including video - observed treatment, organization of TB patient care in primary health care settings, infection control, as well as the online drug-resistant TB clinical consilium.

Course content

  • TB elimination in the WHO European Region: a progress review, key actions, and challenges.
  • Introduction of the WHO consolidated guidelines on TB prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and screening into clinical practice.
  • Innovations in TB molecular diagnosis.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of latent TB infection. 
  • Modified shorter all-oral regimens for treatment of DR-TB. Selecting the most appropriate TB treatment regimen.
  • Management of anti-TB drug side effects. Active drug safety monitoring. Pharmacovigilance.
  • Management of DR-TB in special situations.  Adjuvant therapies in DR-TB management.
  • TB diagnosis and treatment for HIV co-infected patients. Possible drug-drug interactions between antiretrovirals and the new TB drugs.
  • Monitoring and evaluating of treatment effectiveness. 
  • Intersectoral collaboration on ending TB, HIV, and Hepatitis C in countries.
  • Organization of TB outpatient treatment and care. Developing models of care for DR-TB patients; people-centered TB care. VOT and digital technologies.
  • Health communication for health care workers working with TB.
  • Fundamentals of infection control. 

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"Innovations in treatment and management of drug-resistant TB"  5 working days (November 29-30 and December 6-8, 2021)

This online course is designed to build the capacity of TB specialists in TB clinical management. Participants of this course will learn about the updates from the WHO consolidated guidelines and recommendations, as well as the recent advances, innovations, and digital solutions in the clinical and programmatic management of drug-resistant TB.


  • The faculty of WHO CC Latvia involves more than 20 experts, clinicians, scientists, researchers, nurses, and other public health sector staff engaged in TB care.
  • In addition, WHO CC Latvia regularly cooperates with international organizations and projects to bring abroad experts from the field and provide high-level, evidence-based up-to-date training. 

Technical information, tuition and logistic

  • The Working language of this online course is the English language. 
  • The online training will be delivered using the platform (Latvian time zone EEST / GMT + 3). Daily, the lectures will start around 8:00 AM and end around 3:00 PM (Latvia time). 
  • Participants are required to register for the training in advance via an electronic registration form here.
  • The course registration deadline is November 18, 2021.
  • The tuition fee for this course is EUR 500 per person. 
  • After the registration closing date participants will receive a confirmation of enrollment letter,  course agenda and Invoice for participation with the payment due date on November 26, 2021
  • All enrolled participants will receive detailed instructions in English with information on how to use the Zoom training platform, a description of training methodology, and other relevant information.
  • Training materials (Agenda, PowerPoint presentations, tests, home tasks, and other relevant documentation) will be delivered to participants in an electronic format (emails and shared files folders).

Reviews by the participants of the first online course (ETICA project September, 2020)

An accessible and case-based presentation of the material; the opportunity to revisit the lecture material, daily monitoring of the trainee's progress and regular attendance check-ups during the day

All the topics have been extremely interesting and relevant for today. The trainers explained their respective topics competently and clearly and gave detailed answers to questions. Communication was good, there were no interruptions in the broadcast, despite the large number of people connected

The friendliness and professionalism of the coaches, constant feedback from/to the listeners, interesting discussions of clinical cases, examples with voting, access to new information, the possibility to discuss issues and carry out country work in the virtual room

Provision of the training materials in accordance with the latest recommendations. Impressed by the quality of the illustrative material presented in the form of virtual tours to hospital departments and laboratories, as well as presentation/provision of material from other locations

Contact information: 

  • Course director Dr. Liga Kuksa,;
  • Course coordinator Liga Rusmane,;  t. +371 29774267