November 23-24, 2018 AVALON Hotel & Conferences, 13.Janvara str. 19, Riga, Latvia
Third Baltic States Symposium was devoted to people-centred model of drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) care for achieving better treatment outcomes. The symposium brought together scientists in the field of TB, health personnel, national policy makers and patient representatives. Main objective of the Symposium was to develop a common memorandum of understanding on how to achieve a best adapted model of care in all three Baltic countries and list of most effective activities to achieve this goal. Program includced digital health solutions for treatment adherence and TB patient empowerment, nursing process - patient education, psycho-emotional support, stigma reduction, upcoming WHO guidelines on the management of DR-TB as well as latent TB infection diagnostic and treatment and molecular methods for TB diagnostic.
79 participants and facilitators from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, The Netherlands, Germany and United Kingdom attended the symposium.
Programmatic introduction of the new and re-purposed anti-TB medicines for treatment of DR-TB and Line Probe Assay technology - rapid molecular drug susceptibility test available for the diagnosis of DR-TB15-19 of October, 2018
15-19 of October, 2018 two parallel 5-day trainings in Russian took place in Riga, WHO CC Latvia for 8 TB laboratory specialists from Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania and Uzbekistan on rapid molecular diagnostic methods for laboratory diagnostic of TB and drug susceptibility testing for new anti-TB drugs, and for 13 TB clinicians from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Bulgaria on new and re-purposed anti TB drugs use.
Programmatic and clinical management of drug-resistant tuberculosis in order to achieve sustainable development goals
10-19 of September, 2018
33 participants from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Latvia, Lithuania, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Georgia attended the 9-day WHO CC Latvia intensive course on "Programmatic and clinical management of drug-resistant tuberculosis in order to achieve sustainable development goals".
Advanced Training for Trainers of the ‘’Local centers of Excellence ‘’ (HUBs) in Ukraine, established by PATH and KNCV
9-18 of July, 2018
12 participants from Ukraine local centres of Excellence visited WHO CC Latvia to participate in practical training in building human resource capacity to establish sustainable model of centers of excellence in Ukraine. Objectives of the training was to promote their capacity and independent functioning, to support Centers of excellence in Ukraine to be able to effectively design, implement, coordinate and manage the training programs, competence-based training strategies, training curriculum to respond to the training needs of the target groups, as well as delivering the trainings in a learning environment conducive for training and ensuring follow-up and mentoring after the training.
Programmatic introduction of the new and re-purposed anti-TB medicines for treatment of DR-TB and Line Probe Assay technology - rapid molecular drug susceptibility test available for the diagnosis of DR-TB
28th of May - 1st of June, 2018
Two parallel 5-day trainings in Russian took place in Riga, WHO CC Latvia for 4 TB laboratory specialists from Kyrgyzstan on rapid molecular diagnostic methods for laboratory diagnostic of TB and drug susceptibility testing for new anti-TB drugs, and 11 TB clinicians from Latvian and Kyrgyzstan on new and re-purposed anti TB drugs use.